Erica    (she/her/hers)

Erica joined us in January 2017. While no longer a regular employee, she does fill in from time-to-time and will always be a part of the Nook family, so she gets to stay on our bio.

Erica has an Associates Degree in Fine Art and is currently working on her Bachelors. She has her own successful art business; her specialty is pet portraits and window/mural painting. If there is something beautiful painted on our windows...Erica did it..  

Erica is super-mom of three awesome young men, runs marathons (literally) and is a member of the Arlington School Board.   


Jami      (they/them/theirs)

Jami joined the Pottery Nook team in January 2023 and is our weekend warrior. Jami dabbles in several art mediums and has had a love of art since they can remember. Since discovering the Nook, Jami has turned out some amazing pottery pieces of their own and is great at helping our guests through their own projects.

In their spare time, Jami co-founded and works extensively with Camp Quest NW as a camp counselor, archery instructor and runs the art program.

Other interests include hiking and nerding out about nature. And Jami lives for their cat, Pangur. 


Scott    (he/him/his)

Scott is our wheel instructor. With over 40 years of experience at throwing, he knows his stuff. Scott is a fun and patient teacher. He'll get right in there to help a student when needed, but knows how to let the seasoned throwers go at their own pace, too. 

"We had a fantastic time. I typically do not do reviews but actually had that much fun. Scott was an excellent instructor, I really appreciated his teaching method. Made it extremely fun!"    -Jay

"Scott was an awesome instructor! I can't wait to take another class."    - Michelle

When not at the Nook, Scott has a growing carpentry/woodworking/remodeling business and puts out some amazingly beautiful wood work.


Kim Winfrey - Owner     (she/her/hers)

Kim has been an avid arts and crafts hobbyist since a teenager. She and her two children have frequently enjoyed paint-your-own pottery activities since they were very young, teaching and cultivating a love of the arts. After an extensive career with a major telecom corporation, she decided to take a different direction and open her own studio. The Pottery Nook is the realization of a life-long dream to work at something she loves doing and having the opportunity to share it with others.  Kim lives on Camano Island with her cat and the best ever dog. In her 'spare' time, she likes to read, putter in the garden, travel and create her own art. Of course, her favorite pastimes are pottery painting, glass fusing and crafts of all kinds!


Luna the Pottery Pup

Most everyone who meets Luna loves her; she is a very sweet and gentle girl and has lots of patience with little ones. She loves people and will come to the door to greet you, and sometimes even walk you out when you leave. She will get very excited at seeing other dogs outside because she wants so badly to play, and she will 'talk' to the hair dryer and vacuum, but she is not aggressive at all.

Luna is in the studio with Kim some days. We do understand that some folks have allergies to dogs or you may have a child that is afraid of dogs. Please let us know if this is the case. Luna has a comfy place to hang out in the back if you'd prefer a dog-free zone while you're here.
